Internship Programs

The Playhouse offers paid internships for college students as well as unpaid pre-internship opportunities for high school and middle school students.

Year-round College Intern Position: Marketing and Philanthropy

The Playhouse uses interns throughout the year in marketing and public relations and philanthropy. This is typically one position per semester, working on projects for both departments. Click here to see our current internship openings.

Questions? Contact Lee Ann Bakros, marketing and public relations director, 515.974.5358, for more information.

Year-round College Intern Position: Production

The Playhouse uses interns throughout the year in production. This is typically one position per semester, working on projects for the technical department. Click here to see our current internship openings.

Questions? Contact Nicholas Amundson, technical director, 563.292.8951, for more information.

Summer College Intern Positions: Education and Costume

The Playhouse uses interns in the summer in its classes and its technical department. Click here to see our current internship openings.

Questions? Contact Robin Spahr, education director, 515.974.5365, for more information.

PIP (Pre-Intern Program): Education

The Playhouse has an active apprentice program that pairs responsible teen volunteers with instructors in the education program. Requirements include availability to attend each class session, an interview with the education director, and a training session at the beginning of the semester. 

PIP 2024 Summer Request Form

  • Go to 2024 Summer PIP Opportunities above for schedule.
  • Per Playhouse policy, we will copy parents on correspondence whenever possible.
  • N/A if not applicable. Call or email Robin Spahr if any questions at or 515-974-5365.
PIP (Pre-Intern Program): Technical Theatre

The Playhouse encourages those 14 and older to learn and master production roles in theatre. Teens may serve as light or sound board operators, spotlight operators, or assistant stage managers, or on work crews. Requirements include availability to attend tech rehearsals and all performances in the John Viars Theatre or Kate Goldman Children’s Theatre. Training provided. Contact Derek Phelps, volunteer coordinator, 563.292.8962, for more information.