Penguin+ Programming
Returning Fall 2024!
Penguin+ programming is designed to teach 10- to 14-year-old youths with disabilities the foundations of theatre, helping to prepare them for a future Penguin Project production or other theatre opportunities. Click here to learn more about The Penguin Project.
The program dates, times, and topics have not yet been chosen. Last year, class activities included theatre etiquette, stage direction, voice and diction, characterization, pantomime, and improvisation.
Does this sound like something your student would like?
Complete the interest form to be added to communications regarding The Penguin Project and Penguin+ Programming.
Note: Artists and mentors interested in The Penguin Project are not required to participate in Penguin+ programming to participate in The Penguin Project.
The Playhouse Penguin+ program helps to support the goals of The Penguin Project:
- To provide an opportunity for children with special needs to develop creative skills related to the theatre arts
- To provide an opportunity for children with special needs to participate in a community theatre experience
- To facilitate interaction between children with special needs and their age-level peers through joint participation in a community theatre experience
- To facilitate an appreciation of the challenges faced by children with special needs and their families
- To identify the impact of a community theatre experience on the communication skills, socialization, and self-confidence/self-esteem of children with special needs
- To facilitate interaction among medical, developmental, educational, and theatre professionals through participation in a common community project
- To provide a forum for support and interaction for families of children with special needs
For more information about Penguin+ and The Penguin Project, contact Nate Weber, education outreach, 515.974.5360.