Final Act Ensemble: Mystery Meets Comedy

Join the Final Act Ensemble (FAE) for old-time fun. The evening begins with a mystery as The Shadow outwits a gang of thugs who’ve been terrorizing poor street vendors in The Blind Beggar Dies. Mystery continues as The Frumples look for a lost boy in a haunted house. Be prepared to laugh after intermission as Molly tries to make her husband, Fibber McGee, “see” that he needs glasses. The evening ends with The Party Line – where you never know what you might overhear! Throughout the evening are announcers with snappy repartee, crazy commercials, and classic songs from the Golden Age of radio.

Mystery Meets Comedy will be presented in the Kate Goldman Theatre.

The Final Act Ensemble is a troupe of performers ages 55 and older that present classic and original radio plays, including commercials and live and recorded sound effects. Click here to learn more about the Final Act Ensemble.

Our safety guide has been updated and reflects these main changes: The Playhouse no longer requires masks to attend a performance. However, masks are welcomed! If it makes you more comfortable, please feel free to wear a mask. We understand that individual healthcare is a matter of personal practices and choices.

We do ask that:

  • if you are feeling sick, or
  • have a positive test, or
  • have had exposure to someone who has COVID

please call the ticket office and reschedule your performance. Our refund and exchange policy remains in effect: You have up to 7 days following your performance date to request an exchange or refund.

Please note: The Playhouse remains committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for volunteers and guests. Should circumstances change once again, mask mandates return, or the CDC alters their recommendations, we will follow the most stringent guidelines. Click here to read our changes as of Mar. 2, 2022.

Performance Times:
7:00 PM
Run Time:
2 hours including a 10-minute intermission
Content Advisory:
The Playhouse does not rate subject matter as sensitivities vary from person to person. If you have questions about content, age appropriateness, or other aspects of the show (ie strobe lights and other theatrical effects), please contact the ticket office at 515.277.6261.


  • Ann Barfels

  • Ralph Bowman

  • Katie Brooks

  • Victoria Christian

  • Shirley Dalby

  • Al Downey

  • Ruth Downey

  • Barb Keck

  • Molly Ketchum

  • Elysa Koss

  • Melinda Leseney

  • Hu Lundberg

  • R.J. Lundgren

  • Susie McCauley

  • Mark Pullen

  • Marsah Szymczuk

  • Ed Truslow

  • Director

    Jerry Eisenhour

  • Pianist

    Francine Griffith


Press Release

Des Moines Playhouse Press Release 
Kill Date: July 19, 2022
Subject: Des Moines Community Playhouse’s Final Act Ensemble Presents Summer Showcase 
Contact: Lee Ann Bakros, Playhouse Marketing & Public Relations Director, 515-974-5358

The Des Moines Community Playhouse’s Final Act Ensemble presents Mystery Meets Comedy, a live radio program, Tuesday, July 19, 2022, at 7:00 PM, in the Kate Goldman Theatre. Tickets are $10 all ages and are available at or by phone at 515.277.6261. 

The evening begins with a mystery as The Shadow outwits a gang of thugs who’ve been terrorizing poor street vendors in The Blind Beggar Dies. Mystery continues as The Frumples look for a lost boy in a haunted house. Be prepared to laugh after intermission as Molly tries to make her husband, Fibber McGee, “see” that he needs glasses. The evening ends with The Party Line – where you never know what you might overhear! Throughout the evening are announcers with snappy repartee, crazy commercials, and classic songs from the Golden Age of radio.

The cast, under the direction of Jerry Eisenhour, features Ann Barfels, Ralph Bowman, Katie Brooks, Victoria Christian, Shirley Dalby, Al Downey, Ruth Downey, Barb Keck, Molly Ketchum, Elysa Koss, Melinda Leseney, Hu Lundberg, R.J. Lundgren, Susie McCauley, Mark Pullen, Marsha Szymczuk, and Ed Truslow. 

The Final Act Ensemble is a troupe of performers ages 55 and older that present classic and original radio plays, including commercials and live and recorded sound effects. In addition to performances at The Playhouse, traveling programs are available for youth, adult, and multi-generational audiences. 

The Playhouse mission, as one of Iowa's largest and oldest producing theatres, is to create extraordinary, shared experiences through live theatre. Located at the 42nd Street exit of I-235, the theatre has presented a full season of shows since 1919 and also offers a wide variety of educational experiences including classes for ages 4 to adult, theatre trips to New York, and volunteer opportunities onstage and backstage.

Final Act Ensemble Presents Mystery Meets Comedy: 7:00 PM, July 19, 2022
$10 all ages 
To purchase tickets:, 515.277.6261 
Des Moines Community Playhouse, 831 42nd St., Des Moines, IA 50312 
